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Herz& Stern& runder Folienballon

ITEM Nr. :DDB009

Details zum Produkt
  • Material:100% brand new and high quality of helium foil.
  • RAINBOW COLORS:Blue pink silver yellow gold Mixed Colors
  • size:18''
  • Verpackung:50Stück
pro Einheit
1 Einheiten
pro Packung ($0)
- +  Packung(en)
Details zum Produkt

SPECIAL MYLAR BALLOONS DECORATIONS:A budget-conscious and colorful means for decorating any event, perfect for string and tie on the wall or table,hallway,stair,festive favours bags,cake toppers,placecards,lantern,pool decor for birthday party baby shower party proposal party bridal party Bachelor party Hawaii Holiday party wedding party anniversary celebration graduation party decorations.